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Friday, August 21, 2009

Star ~ PGA Edit

Various image formats for various experimentation purposes. I don’t know why the File Size from Windows Explorer (WE) does not tally with the File Size that I’m reading in this MS-Outlook Email (MSOE). Anyway, I’ve written both in this format (WE,MSOE) to differentiate them.
01 ~ BMP Original (3KB,6KB).bmp
02 ~ JPG Edit fr BMP (2KB,5KB).JPG
03 ~ JPG Edit fr MsWord (1KB,5KB).jpg
04 ~ PNG Edit fr MsWord (2KB,5KB).png
Conclusion (still on going):
01 ~ BMP Original (3KB,6KB).bmp ~ this file format I’ve been using for a long time now and it’s good for editing. However, the size of the file is too big for archive. But in order to continue editing I will still archive it as BMP. Uploading this file to internet almost always gets it’s quality affected so not a good file for uploading.
02 ~ JPG Edit fr BMP (2KB, 5KB).JPG ~ I’ve been using this file format converted using Paint Brush since I started but found out that MS Word does a better conversion with lower file size.
03 ~ JPG Edit fr MsWord (1KB, 5KB).jpg ~ this file format is converted using MS Word and is better than using Paint Brush coz it has lower file size.
04 ~ PNG Edit fr MsWord (2KB, 5KB).png ~ Interesting. Best picture quality. I’ve got to read up about this format. It seems as good as BMP and it does not get converted when uploading to the internet. I suspect that it’s file size is not as big as BMP. However, when PNG's size is compared with JPG, it is not consistent, meaning --- sometimes it's bigger & sometimes it's smaller. If it's smaller than JPG then I'd suggest using this coz it's definitely a better picture quality.

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