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Monday, October 12, 2015

Art & Poetry @ Holland V

Taken from my HP Camera.

Poetry & Art @ Holland V
~ Saturday, 2105 Oct 10

Did u guys miss the Art 
on the way to Foster's 
from the car park?

Or the poetry...
It's on the wall.

Art ~ by Zhao Zimu

fyi... just in case you didn't know... 
I took this picture of the cat at Holland V 
at the bottom right of this picture below here.

Click on picture to enlarge.

Poetry ~ posted on a wall at Holland V
~ by Books Actually Shop
At Attention

"I want a piece of you!"
You scrunched up your
face and declared, before
moving in swift on my arm.

I trembled thinly on the stage
of our young love. At the last moment,
you softened it into a mint-tinged kiss-
taking nothing away, leaving me
with something stable.
A dependable memory.

The breeze highlighted the gentle imprint
of your mock threat. Slowly,
it dried up and my skin grew taut,
stretching at attention, waiting for
more of your love.


Do you have furniture holes
in your heart? You must, because I have

a chair, desk, clothes rack, refrigerator
all apart from, a part of you. Its this why

it is hard to love me, you, threadbare
of furnishing, naked of me? Is this

us, objects that were once home, good
only as firewood for what used to be love?

continued below
Art ~ by Zhao Zimu

Art @ Holland V
~ Saturday, 2105 Oct 10

Did u guys miss the Art 
on the way to Foster's 
from the car park?


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