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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lay Your Hands Gently Upon Us (Lyrics)

A Choir Mistress gave us this song to sing. 
I have since forgotten the tune but reading the words, 
I'm sure I can easily compose one or easier still, 
use an existing tune in my head.

Lay Your Hands Gently Upon Us (Lyrics)

Lay your hand s gently upon us
Let their touch render peace
Let them bring your forgiveness and healing
Lay your hands gently lay your hands

You were sent to free the broken hearted
You were sent to give sight to the blind
You desire to heal all our illness
Lay your hands gently lay your hands

Lord we come to you through one another
Lord we come to you in our need
Lord we come to you seeking wholeness
Lay your hands gently lay your hands



aahnik said...

‘Lay your hands gently lay your hands’-sweet and meaningful lyric. Impressive.

Deepak Morris said...


Here's the tune for you:

Thanks for posting the lyrics.

Welcome said...

Hi Deepak Morris, thanks for the link to the tune. ~ PGA