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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Free Vocal Tip ~ 2011 Feb 24, 0928hrs

~ Warming Up In The Mornings
~ Using Your Head-Voice (or Falsetto)


Please watch this video. It has less theory & more practical 
and gives some good advice of how to warm up in the mornings. 

Notice also the light head-voice (falsetto) used when going higher... 
some of you strain to much when you're singing high. 
You've got to learn to relax... 
and there's nothing wrong in using your "falsetto"... 
if you practice hard enough... your falsetto will get stronger... 
and give you a better quality known as head-voice... 
which can bring your chest-voice much higher and increase your vocal range. 
Sing softly in your head-voice (or falsetto) first... 
and when it gets stronger you can sing louder by trying to mix it with your chest voice. 

Please don't strain... for those who know what it's like to drive a car in manual-mode... 
it's like driving at high speed in low-gear... you can hear the engine strain. 
Your head-voice (or falsetto) is your higher-gear... learn how to switch to it.

Every time we do the Bubble exercise... 
it's suppose to bring you to your head-voice (or falsetto)... 
that's the voice you'll have to use when it gets to high for you... 
never mind if it's too soft... with practice, it'll get stronger... 
believe me... I know... because I was quite a heavy singer.

How To Singing - Sing with Better Vocal Texture

This video on the other hand, may be a little difficult to understand coz it's all theory so it's optional.


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