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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

News ~ Rising Above All Odds ~ 2011jan26,0748hrs

Things I learned from this article:

• Floored a decade ago with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, he vowed to make every day count.

• Conceding he was "extraordinarily humbled"... He had drawn inspiration seeing '"hope conquer despair'"

• His experience of the disease had, in its own way, enriched his life.

• I have my own experience with how fickle life can be and I've been very blessed.

• I don't talk publicly about my sickness very much because I'm up the easy end of the spectrum. It is a wonderful thing for me really, because I encountered what life might have been like if I had been struck with it permanently.

• Growing up in a poorer part of town, he said he learned not only to recognize need, but to do something about it. "It was just an obvious thing to do".



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