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Friday, November 19, 2010

Google Chrome Tip

What I want to do is to Google Chrome to Toggle Between Tabs.

Updated: Friday, 2010 Nov 02, 1144hrs

I'm using this as a work-around.

1 ~ Use your mouse to move to 2 Tabs you'd want to toggle between.

2 ~ Use  Ctrl+PageUp & Ctrl+PageDown to toggle between them.

I hope this helps.

First Entry: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2010

I searched for...
Google Chrome to Toggle Between Tabs
Q ~ is there a way to toggle between tabs without using the mouse?
A ~ Explore Google Chrome features: Keyboard shortcuts (by Bapabooiee)
     Q ~ Toggle between tabs?
For example, I have 15 tabs open. I start alternating between tab 3 and tab 12. I'm looking at tab12 and would like a Keyboard shortcut to the tab that I was looking at last. Even though Ctrl 3 takes me to that tab, I won't always know the number of the tab that I last looked at. So you would use a keyboard shortcut to move back and forth between tab 3 and tab 12. Many thanks
     A ~ trl+Tab takes you to each tab in succession. Ctrl+Shift+Tab takes you to the last visited tab. There isn't a built-in command to toggle between tabs (referred to as Most Recent Tab functionality, i.e., similar to the way Alt+Tab works in Windows). Other browsers have this built-in or as an option, e.g., IE and Opera. In Firefox you can get it via add-ons. In Chrome you can get it via the Recent Tabs extension - https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/ocllfmhjhfmogablefmibmjcodggknml. There may be other extensions but this is the best one I've seen so far, although it does have limitations. (by NewWorldMan)
Google Chrome Extensions / Recent Tabs
Just like using Alt+Tab for Windows except now for your browser tabs. Use Ctrl+Q or Ctrl+`(~) or assign your own shortcut key for swapping back and forth between your last viewed tabs.

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