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Monday, June 21, 2010

The Anger Ladder ~ by Dr. Ross Campbell

Although written for parents and teenagers, anyone can use this Anger Ladder to improve their Anger Management.

We should all strive to achieve the first 2 rungs of the Anger Ladder. Which is '1' ~ Pleasant behavior; & '2' ~ Seeking resolution to the conflict; Dr Campbell suggests that we find out where we are on the Anger Ladder and move up one rung at a time.

The worst way for anyone to handle anger is through passive-aggressive (or PA) behavior. In PA behavior, a person uses indirect means to get back in anger at another person — for example, procrastinating, stubbornness, intentional inefficiency and “forgetfulness.” The person acts in these ways to provoke anger. A PA person refuses to accept responsibility for his or her own behavior.

Note that PA is at number '15' which is worst than '13' ~ Emotionally destructive behavior; & '14' ~ Physical abuse; because it is not easily noticed.


The Anger Ladder ~ by Dr. Ross Campbell
(taken from his book 'How to Really Love Your Teenager')

1) Pleasant behavior;
2) Seeking resolution to the conflict;
3) Focusing anger on the source only;
4) Holding to the primary complaint, not to peripheral issues;
5) Thinking logically and constructively;
6) Unpleasant and loud behavior;
7) Cursing;
8) Becoming angry at someone else who is a bystander instead of at the source of the anger;
9) Expressing unrelated complaints;
10) Throwing objects;
11) Destroying property;
12) Verbal abuse;
13) Emotionally destructive behavior;
14) Physical abuse; and
15) Passive-aggressive behavior.

Note: Dr Campbell did mention a "16" which represents Homicidal attempts, homicidal threats and homicide which is worst but it's not covered in the scope of his book.


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