As a couple... I've learnt to make the art of discussing our differences a life long goal and best time to practice that art is when a quarrel begins.
~ 56 year old & married for 31 years.
As a couple... I've learnt to make the art of discussing our differences a life long goal and best time to practice that art is when a quarrel begins.
~ 56 year old & married for 31 years.
. 'Oh Shenandoah' as Christmas Carol?
~ by Fons
Shenandoah - Peter Hollens (A Cappella)
Oh Shenandoah as Christmas Carol?
At the time of writing this, 'Oh Shenandoah' is NOT a Christmas Carol... but poetically, it could be. After some research, I have come to terms that 'Oh Shenandoah' can be used as a Christmas Carol.
It isn't a usual Christmas Carol... but it's actually quite good to be used as one.
Here are my personal thoughts & sharing.
First, here are the Exact Lyrics to the PDF Score (NOT posted here):
Oh Shenandoah,
I long to hear you,
Away you rolling river.
Oh Shenandoah,
I long to hear you,
Away, I'm bound to go
'Cross the wide Missouri.
'Tis seven years
since last I saw her,
Away, you rolling river.
'Tis seven years
since last I saw her,
Away, I'm bound to go
'Cross the wide Missouri.
Oh Shenandoah,
I took a notion.
Away you rolling river river.
To sail across
the stormy ocean.
Away, I'm bound to go
'Cross the wide Missouri.
Oh Shenandoah,
I'm bound to leave you
Oh Shenandoah
I'll not deceive you
Away, I'm bound to go
'Cross the wide Missouri.
The Lyrics.
In the Bible, Christ has talked about Husband & Wife as God and his Church. This Song talks about a man longing to see the girl he loves... so just like Christ longing to come down to meet his People (the Church, his Bride)... and so he comes down as Baby Jesus. "7 long years" in the Bible is seem to be some kind of magic number to mean A Long Time... and 7 x 7 is even longer. The last verse... quite sad... seem to speak of the coming Easter as well when he has to leave us
. Sukiyaki ~ What a Joke!
There's a famous song, Sukiyaki that hit number 1 in US in 1963. Its actual title is "Ue o Muite Arukō" which means "I Look Up As I Walk" is a Japanese-language song that was performed by Japanese crooner Kyu Sakamoto. If you look at the translation of the lyrics, it is basically a Sad Japanese Love Song. In English speaking countries, it is best known under the alternative title "Sukiyaki", a term with no relevance to the song's lyrics. (Sukiyaki is a Japanese dish of cooked beef.) Just imagine... it's just like taking a Sad American Love Song and naming it "Hamburger". 😂
On top of that, the Japanese Lyricist (Rokusuke Ei) wrote the lyrics while walking home from a Japanese student demonstration protesting against a continued US Army presence, expressing his frustration at the failed efforts... and this song reached the top of the Billboard Hot 100 charts in the United States in 1963. 😂
Source Link:
Sukiyaki (song)
.~ from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukiyaki_(song) |
. Lyrics: Ue o Muite Arukou The title means "I look up when I walk." The English title was changed to Sukiyaki because it was easier for Americans to say and associate with Japan. The English version called Sukiyaki is not a literal translation of the song and it is not the translation provided below. (Sukiyaki is actually food and has nothing to do with the song.)
Here's an interesting take on Sight & Vision:
EYESIGHT essentially refers to the physical attributes and performance of the many organic components involved in the visual system. 20/20 vision is a commonly quoted measure of normal vision, yet it simply describes the sensitivity of the eye to see fine detail in the distance.
Unlike eyesight, VISION is a thought process, which emerges an understanding of what is seen, where it is and how to react to it. It combines information from many sensory systems to create a perception of reality. Vision describes a more dynamic and interactive process, essentially a whole information processing system developed through experience to gain understanding of the external visual space world.
For example, in a person driving a car, vision is much more than reading license plates clearly at a distance. Vision is the total process whereby the spatial relationships between the cars are taken in and processed by the driver in order to guide the car safely to its destination, without an accident and with minimum stress. Vision judges the relative speeds of the other cars, and alerts the driver to a pedestrian stepping onto the road or another car at an intersection, or the door of a parked car opening.
Vision is what directs the baseball player to swing the bat at the exact right moment and place in space to make contact and hit a home run.
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Get rich on Bitcoin? The highs and the lows
22 Apr 2018 12:23AM (Updated: 22 Apr 2018 12:30AM)
This man went from struggling to pay for chicken rice, to being able to pay off a condo unit – thanks to Bitcoin.
But Talking Point asks, what are the risks involved, and should you put your coin in?
2 years ago Eugene Tay was struggling to make ends meet.
Today, he owns this 1-Bedroom Condominium Apartment which he paid over half-million dollars for last year - using Bitcoin.
Eugene Tay, Freelance Actor, bought his home with Bitcoin.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore warns that Bitcoin is a High-Risk Investment.
And it can be stolen.
Not everyone was so lucky. Watch this Video Link below, to see that there are others who made loses and are victims of this Bitcoin Investments.
Video Link:
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. The meaning of ' Jinkli Nona ' ~ according to kodrahkristang (via iG or instaGram) ~ at this link: https://www.instagram.co The "Jinkli Nona", a song about a man who wishes to wed a beautiful woman, is one of the most well known Eurasian folk songs in the community in Singapore. It is often accompanied with the Branyo, a classic Eurasian folk dance. The term "Jinkli" is believed to come from the word "Sinhalese", which transitioned into the word "Chingalee" and ultimately to "Jinkli". . |
. Lyrics: https://www.facebook.com/notes Jinkli Nona
Jinkli nona, jinkli nona
yo kereh kazah
kaza nunteng porta nona
klai logu pasah?
Teng kantu teng
kantu teng falah nunteng
amor, minya amor
amor minya korasang
O nona, minya nona
Ki lonzi bos ta bai
Si yo nungka tomah kon nona
Nungka filu di mai pai
O nona, minya nona
O nona minya korasang
si nona muitu bemfeta
yo jah kai na-a-faesang
Pedra, linya, agu
diamanti di kualidade
jah beng na minya brase
pretu, brangku minya bontadi
O nona, minya nona
yo ta bai pa Telok Mas
floris cherozu
cherah, cherah, kereh mas
O nona minya nona
sa kabelu restah chang
akeli mesmu kabelu
beng marah yo sa korasang
O nona minya nona
yo ta bai fikah soldadu
si teng bos sa furtuna
yo birah fikah kazadu.
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. My Comment at: https://www.facebook.com/notes/keep-kristang-alive/jinkli-nona/975376472483689/
I found this YouTube Link to the song Jinkli Nona. I must say that this is probably the best version I've ever heard.
Here are some comments about the song that I'd like to share.
I am not fluent in the Kristang Dialect, knowing only a few words. As to '*Jinkli Nona*' meaning '*Sinhalese Girl*', that's only what I keep coming across to, so I can't say for sure if that what it really means.
What I find interesting is the word-play in the song, very tongue-in-cheek, especially the 2 lines that go "*kaza nunteng porta nona / klai logu pasah*" which sounds like it has a double meaning.
"*kaza nunteng porta nona / klai logu pasah*" literally means "*house no door girl / how to pass*". Without punctuation it opens up many translation possibilities with questions. Questions like, 'Whose house has no door?', 'The boy or girl?'. The word '*passah*' means pass and could actually mean an '*approval*' rather then a '*passage*'.
Possibility 1:
boy has no house, no door, so how to get approval
~ could mean that: '*a boy who is unable to afford a door to his house may not be fit for marriage. But in current times, this analogy could also be easily used for both boys & girls*'.
Possibility 2:
girl's house has no door, so how to get approval
~ could mean that: '*a girl who has lost her virginity may not be fit for marriage (keeping in mind that virginity was very important in those days). But in current times, this analogy could also be easily used for both boys & girls*'.
I find this song has very deep meaning and lessons to learn from and it's *'probably why it's sung at all Kristang Eurasian Weddings*'.
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Eye Witness Accounts ~ by PGA, my thoughts:
[WORLD News. Woman suspect dead, 3 hurt in shooting at YouTube's California headquarters The shooter apparently committed suicide after gunshots erupted at YouTube’s offices, sparking a panicked escape by employees and a massive police response.]
I came into my work office lift and the TV (in this lift) was playing a live coverage of a breaking news where an eye witness was testifying what she saw.
I could not exactly hear what she was saying but this got me thinking about eye witnesses accounts in the Bible. Do we trust them? If we do, why do we and should we?
Ravi Zacharias (an Indian-born Canadian-American Christian apologist) has a good description & guide lines as of how and what to trust.
I must look it up.