Now u know the importance of the Horse Racing Calendar.
Question: What you can learn from a Horse Racing Calendar in Singaopre?
Question: What you can learn from a Horse Racing Calendar in Singaopre?
Answer: The days of the week in Malay.
(And in the other main languages of Singapore as well)
(And in the other main languages of Singapore as well)
For me, it's easier to learn Monday First:
Isnin = Monday
Selasa = Tuesday
Rabu = Wednesday
Khamis = Thursday
Jumaat = Friday
Sabtu = Saturday
Ahad = Sunday
You'll notice that,
on this Calendar, it shows Sunday First...
BUT... I am going to stick to Monday First...
I'll just take note that Sun is first on most Calendars.
Click on image to enlarge.

How will you remember it? OR... How do you remember it?
This is how I'm going to remember it.
"In Singapore, Rabu is Wednesday.
and... kami jumpa sesuatu arnab."
Malay: kami jumpa sesuatu arnab
English: we found a rabbit
Mon = in = Isnin
Tue = Singapore = Selasa
Wed = Rabu = Rabu
Thu = kami = Khamis
Fri = jumpa = Jumaat
Sat = sesuatu = Sabtu
Sun = arnab = Ahad
Original Pixs:You'll notice that,
on this Calendar, it shows Sunday First...
BUT... I am going to stick to Monday First...
I'll just take note that Sun is first on most Calendars.
Ahad = Sunday
Isnin = Monday
Selasa = Tuesday
Rabu = Wednesday
Khamis = Thursday
Jumaat = Friday
Sabtu = Saturday
Click on image to enlarge.
Here it is, edited to original size.
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