A friend composed this prayer for an Anonymous Family who have problems. Well composed, this prayer can be used by anyone who need to pray for any family with problems.
Prayer For A Family With Problems·Anonymous ~ Dear Lord, Keeper of our Hearts..we pray together with this family..take away their focus of each other's flaws but rather, let Healing, Forgiveness and Openness of the Hearts overrule Irritations and Unsatisfactions from this very moment..for just like in our experiences with You Lord, nothing can hold anger forever... Amen.
Generic Prayer for Problems Within The FamilyDear Lord, Keeper of our Hearts. We pray for those who have problems within their own families. Take away their focus on each other's flaws and let Healing, Forgiveness and Openness of the Hearts overrule the Irritations and Unsatisfactions, for just like in our experiences with You Lord, nothing can hold anger forever... Amen.