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Monday, July 05, 2010

All Butter Scottish Shortbread BITES

Marks & Spencer
All Butter Scottish Shortbread BITES

One of my favourites.

Training to be Soldier ~ Video & Lyrics

SAF Road march song...clips extracted from the movie: ARMY DAZE. A Singapore-made 1996 comedy movie about 5 recruits under-going Basic Military Training.
Video (from YouTube):

Training to be Soldier (Lyrics)
Note: {Everyone sing this part together}

Training to be soldier
Fight for our land
Once in our lives
2 years of our time
Have you ever wondered?
Why must we serve?
Because we love our land
{Because we love our land
And we want it to be free,
to be free, yeah

Looking all around us
People everywhere
Childen having fun
While we are holding guns
Have you ever wondered?
Why must we serve?
Because we love our land
{Because we love our land
And we want it to be free,
to be free, yeah


Video ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mdky2fOap9k
Lyrics ~ http://sgcafe.com/ns-daze/21672-army-songs.html

Prayer For A Family With Problems

A friend composed this prayer for an Anonymous Family who have problems. Well composed, this prayer can be used by anyone who need to pray for any family with problems.

Prayer For A Family With Problems
·Anonymous ~ Dear Lord, Keeper of our Hearts..we pray together with this family..take away their focus of each other's flaws but rather, let Healing, Forgiveness and Openness of the Hearts overrule Irritations and Unsatisfactions from this very moment..for just like in our experiences with You Lord, nothing can hold anger forever... Amen.

Generic Prayer for Problems Within The Family
Dear Lord, Keeper of our Hearts. We pray for those who have problems within their own families. Take away their focus on each other's flaws and let Healing, Forgiveness and Openness of the Hearts overrule the Irritations and Unsatisfactions, for just like in our experiences with You Lord, nothing can hold anger forever... Amen.

There's A Christmas Carol Of Love (Lyrics)

I found this song on YouTube where the Bass Singer goes down until his limit. Quite fun to do. Lyrics are below this Video.

I can hardly pick up what the Emcee is saying but it sounds like the Emcee introducing the Bass-Singer as Dr. Cecil Taylor Head of Christian Studies Department.


There's A Christmas Carol Of Love (Lyrics)

[Verse Intro]
Every Christmas day, children sing on their way
Christmas Carols (Christmas Carols) of Perfect Love
As They sing Merrily, standing round the Christmas Tree
Christmas Carols (Christmas Carols) of Perfect Love

There's a Chris... (A Merry Chris...)
...tmas Carol of love (A Merry, Merry Christmas)
Spreading joy (This Christmas Carol)
from heaven above (from heaven above)
Angels sing (Just hear them singing)
Hear the bells ring (They are all ringing)
Christmas Carols (Christmas Carols) of Perfect Love

[Repeat Chorus until the song is to low for choir to sing]

Here's an update ~ 2010 Jul 06, 2349hrs:
I found out that there's another song with the same tune but has the same format of getting the Bass to go very, very low, it is called 'There's A Rainbow'. At the moment, I don't know which version is the original but the good thing is that, now, we have 2 versions.

Here're some versions of 'There's A Rainbow' on YouTube:

Here's an Update ~ 2010 Sep 04, 0254hrs:
I found another link that sounds the same as this one. but this one look like they're miming it. But it does make me wonder about the authencity of my original post. Anyway... I do like the version of my first post. Here's the alternative link:

Here's an Update ~ 2010 Sep 04, 0254hrs:
Here's another BLOG about this same topic.

Terrence Farrell ~ Malaguena (Malagueña)


I most favourite version of the Malaguena is played by Terrence Farrell. Enjoy!
