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Friday, December 31, 2010
Enthusiasm & Success
~ Taken from
Daily Nourishments 31st Dec 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
News ~ Ethnic Race
Race means very little to me, or
at the very least, less than most
people. If I had a choice, I might
just leave the race portion blank
or I'll just put it as 'Singaporean'.
Click on image to read...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
On Looking Good
I didn't like the way I look.
I'd make excuses, not to be in photos.
Looking back,
I looked much better then, than I do now.
So... I guess, I better enjoy the 'now',
because as the years go by,
it's going to get a lot worst.
~ by PGA (approaching 50 soon)
Updated: 2011 Apr 06, 1031hrs
I did a later entry along these lines with added writings...
... at this link ~ http://enterarena.blogspot.com/2011/04/its-going-to-get-lot-worst.html
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
God ~ What is man that you are mindful of him?
O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.
When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor.
You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
you put everything under his feet:
all flocks and herds,
and the beasts of the field,
8 ~
the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.
O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Harboring Bitterness
- age unknown..
Taken from DAILY NOURISHMENTS 28th Dec 2010
English ~ Compliments of the Season
Compliment vs Complement by Ali Hale
I had an email at work recently which read "This new software will compliment the existing system." Can you spot what's wrong with that sentence?
If you get confused by the difference between compliment and complement, or if you're unsure which to use when, read on.
Merriam-Webster defines a compliment as "an expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration; especially : an admiring remark". It comes from Middle French, via the Italian complimento, and the Spanish cumplimiento, which originates from the Latin verb cumplir: to be courteous.
For example:
- I was trying to pay that girl a compliment, but she ignored me.
- Sometimes he blushes when you offer him a compliment.
In the plural, compliments can also mean best wishes. It is often used as "with compliments" such as on a compliments slip (a small piece of letter-headed paper, often used by companies for a quick note to a customer or client when a full sheet would be too large.) You also see the phrase "with compliments of the season" in greetings cards.
The verb "to compliment" is very similar, meaning "to pay a compliment to". Note that it is a transitive verb so must have an object. For example:
- Are you trying to compliment me, or trying to insult me?
- When he complimented the girl on her dress, his friends laughed at him.
The adjective complimentary is closely related to the word compliment, and in this context it can mean either "expressing or containing a compliment" or "favourable" (Merriam-Webster):
- My mother made some very complimentary remarks about my choice of shoes.
- The new restaurant has a very complimentary write-up in the local newspaper.
Complimentary also has the meaning "free", when something is given as a courtesy or favour:
- Please accept these complimentary tickets.
- I thought that the mini-bar was complimentary, but we were charged for our drinks.
The word complement comes from the same root as complete. It has nothing to do with being courteous, and comes directly from Middle English, from the Latin wordcomplementum. Merriam-Webster's first definition is "something that fills up, completes, or makes perfect", and it can also be used to mean "the quantity, number, or assortment required to make a thing complete", though can sound a little odd or old-fashioned in this context:
- We had the full complement of pots and pans.
- Our store does not have enough employees to work the required complement of hours.
Complement is often used in scientific, technical or academic areas of discourse, where the complement of X supplies what X is missing, thus making a complete whole. Examples of this usage are:
- Complement good (economics)
- Complementary colour (art)
You can find a fuller list in Wikipedia's entry for the term Complement.
In everyday writing, complement is more often used as a verb. Again, it is atransitive verb:
- The illustrations complement the text.
- Our new software will complement the existing product.
So, my email correspondent should have written that "This new software willcomplement the existing system." But I suspect she wouldn't have replied tocompliment me if I'd written back to point out the mistake…
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Doubting Thomas
Doubt ~ by James A. Fowler
You are free to download this outline provided it remains intact without alteration. You are also free to transmit this outline electronically provided that you do so in its entirety with proper citation of authorship included.
• Matt. 28:17 - (disciples) "they worshipped Him, but some were doubtful."
B. Greek word diakrino - dia = through; krino = to judge, determine
• Mark 11:23 - "does not doubt, but believes..."
• Rom. 14:23 - "he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because not from faith"
• James 1:6 - "ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind."
• Jude 1:22 - "have mercy on some, who are doubting."
C. Greek word dialogismos - dia = through; logizomai = to reckon, consider
• Luke 24:38 - "why do doubts arise in your minds?"
• Acts 2:12 - "they continued in amazement and great perplexity"
• Acts 10:17 - "Peter was greatly perplexed in mind"
• Acts 10:20 - "accompany them without misgivings"
• 1. Unbelief, disbelief, rejection, denial, agnosticism, faithlessness.
a. "Cartesian doubt" begins by doubting all things, but refuses to doubt its doubts.
b. Skeptics and scoffers begin with contempt and derision to prove their preconceived unbelief.
• 2. Uncertainty, lack of confidence, reservation, problematic, misgivings, skeptical, questioning, wavering, indeterminate.
• 1. Belief Mental assent, cognitive acceptance, dogmatic assertion comprising intellectual certainty. (static)
B. Relating doubt to belief and faith.
• 1. Belief and doubt.
a. The intellectual certainty of mental belief does not allow for unbelief, rejection or denial.
b. The intellectual certainty of mental belief does not allow for the uncertainty of questioning, reservations or misgivings.
(1) This is the basis of fundamentalism, fideism, credulity and "blind faith."
• 2. Faith and doubt.
a. The functional certainty of receptive faith is founded upon belief in God, and therefore not functional when there is unbelief and rejection of God.
b. The functional certainty of receptive faith is not functional if we consider it impossible, unlikely or doubtful that God will function faithfully and sufficiently in accord with who He is.
(1) The divided mind or double-mindedness of doubt affirms belief in God (a), but questions God's character or ability (b).
(2) Most of the New Testament references pertain to such double-mindedness.
c. The functional certainty of receptive faith allows for mental and emotional questioning, reservations and uncertainty.
We don't know where God is taking us into the unknown and uncharted territory.
We don't know where this adventure will end.
We don't know what God will do next.
We don't know how God is going to work this out.
We don't know when this situation will be settled.
We don't know why God is allowing this circumstance or why God is acting as He does.
(2) The situation where we find ourselves is indeterminate and problematic. We are questioning, uncertain and perplexed. We are forced to recognize our inadequacy, inability and our own lack of faith as we remain receptive to God's activity.
Mk. 9:24 - "I believe; help my unbelief."
Jude 1:22 -"have mercy on some who are doubting"
(3) God is big enough and understanding enough to accept our doubts, to convince us and assure us of His character and sufficiency, and to bring us along to increased faith.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Medicine ~ Lorazepam
Pengerang ~ Day Trip ~ 2010 Dec 20, Monday
Food was good and I preferred the crab & fish to the lobster.
Most importantly, I enjoyed the company of people I was with.
The youngest was an 8yr old girl and the oldest was probably 49yr old.
There were 11 of us. 3 guys & 8 girls.
We got the whole bumboat to ourselves... coz we paid for it.
Pengerang is an area at the southeastern tip of Johor, to the south of Desaru. The name is usually used to cover the dock and immigration post at Tanjung Pengelih, the village of Kampong Pengelih and the nearby town of Sungai Rengit.
Get in ~ By car
Sungai Rengit is around 35 km south of Desaru, or 120 km from Johor Bahru. The distance from JB will decrease considerably once the Johor-Desaru Expressway opens.
Get in ~ By boat
Bumboats shuttle from Singapore's Changi Point Ferry Terminal to Tg Pengelih from 7 AM in the morning to 7 PM in the evening, operating on a first-come-first-served basis: once 12 people show up, the boat leaves. The journey takes about an hour and costs S$9 or RM 15 per person, plus S$2 for a bike. There are semi-scheduled departures in both directions at 7 AM and 1 PM, and the last boats back leave by 4 PM.
Another option launched in 2009 is the Merjdjan Ferry Services (tel. +60-7-8253333) speedboat service from Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, which runs seven times a day every day except Tue and Wed departing from 7:50 AM to 3:50 PM, with the last return from Tg Pengelih at 7 PM. Taking only 20 minutes, this is much faster but also more expensive at S$28/38 one-way/return. A final option is to take the Sebana Cove [1] ferry back to Singapore (4/5 services daily, last departure at 9 PM), but this is much more expensive (S$38 one-way) and you'll need to arrange a taxi to take you to Sebana Cove first.
Get around ~ Taxis shuttle between the Pengerang dock and Sungai Rengit for RM 5/person (shared, four person minimum) or RM 20/car (charter). Bicycles can be rented in Sungai Rengit, or you can rent one at Changi and bring it with you.
See ~ Pengerang was the site of a major WW2-era British coastal battery. The part of it at Pengelih, right next to the immigration point, is open to the public but in a state of nature, with no trails, signs etc. Most of the rest is now used by the Malaysian military.
Do ~ Buy
Chinese pastries are a popular souvenir.
Kedai Kek Lim Choo Seng. Handmade lao po bing ("old wife cake") for RM 1.50 a piece.
Do ~ Eat
Seafood! It's the main reason to come here, with treats like lobster and crab much cheaper than Singapore or even JB.
Crystal Jade Seafood
Jade Garden Seafood
Si Wan Dao Seafood (四弯岛幸运海鲜楼)
More info at: http://wikitravel.org/en/Pengerang
Friday, December 17, 2010
Logo ~ Eagle Eye Centre

I just like this Logo.
Imperfection & Holiness is Compatible
... is Imcompatible with Holiness"
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Smile (1936) ~ Music by Charlie Chaplin (Lyrics)
You'll see the sun come shining through... for you {Nat King Cole's Version}
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
BLOG News ~ Baby Killer ~ Keli Lane
Here are the news excerpts from various sources... Story of First Child Earlier, a witness, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said he had a sexual relationship with Lane for about six weeks to two months around the middle of 1994. But he said it was not until 2005 that he found out he was the father of Lane's first child, whom she adopted out. "At any time during or after your relationship with Keli Lane did you become aware that she was pregnant?" asked prosector Mark Tedeschi QC. The witness replied no, and repeated the answer when asked if he became aware that she had a baby. The man said he gave evidence at the 2005 inquest into the disappearance of Tegan Lane and afterwards provided a DNA sample. "Subsequently, were you informed that you are the father of (Lane's first baby)?" Tedeschi asked. The man said he was. "Did that come as a complete surprise to you?" Tedeschi asked. "Yes, it sure did," he replied. Story of Second Child (Tegan Lane, the missing child) {apparently, it wasn't her current boyfriend's (Duncan Gillies) child at the time but a certain Andrew Norris or Morris. This is the Child that she's on trial for.} From what they saw in the summer of 1994-95 she found it hard to believe Ms Lane's boyfriend, Duncan Gillies, did not know of the pregnancy. Yesterday would have been Ms Lane's first questioning under oath on the suspected death of her daughter Tegan. According to the State Coroner, John Abernethy, she has told a "litany" of lies to police, adoption agents and health workers. But instead of facing questions, she wept beside her father as Mr Abernethy abruptly adjourned the inquest to September 12 - the same day as her missing child's ninth birthday. After suspending hearings until a forensic psychiatrist has examined the brief of evidence and testimonies given so far, Mr Abernethy told Ms Lane's lawyer, Peter Hamill, SC, that "it wouldn't be a bad idea for your client to consider seeing a psychiatrist". Counsel assisting, Rebbecca Becroft, said that after a week of questioning witnesses, the inquest was no closer to uncovering Tegan's fate. Ms Lane gave birth to three children in the 1990s. Two of them, a daughter born in 1995 and a son born in 1999, were legally given up for adoption. However, Ms Lane did not register Tegan's birth, and Tegan has not been seen since Ms Lane left Auburn Hospital with her two days after giving birth. Ms Lane told police she gave Tegan to her natural father, Andrew Norris, his girlfriend, Mel, and his mother in Auburn Hospital car park the day she was discharged. Police have found no evidence that such people exist. Mr Abernethy said that before hearings resumed he wanted to carry out a comprehensive cross-check of registered births with data collected by midwives. He wanted schools to finish looking for students fitting Tegan's birth details, "if in fact that child is alive", and asked anyone who knew of a couple "hitherto childless, who all of a sudden they have a child", to come forward. Such a thing "must be odd", he said. He also told police to interview Taryn Woods and her father, Dave Woods, a water polo coach. Ms Woods is the only witness who has refused to make a statement. Last week Mr Gillies testified to having had sex with her during his relationship with Ms Lane, which lasted from 1994 to 1998. Story of 3rd Child The jury also heard from the biological father of her third child, who told the court he was just 19 when he had a four-to-six month relationship with Lane, four years his senior. The father of the third child, who cannot be identified, told the court the pair were together after Lane's relationship with footballer Duncan Gillies broke up in 1998. The man said he had no idea Lane had fallen pregnant during their relationship - his first "adult" one - and only found out he was the child's father two years ago, when he was asked to supply DNA. |
Story of 1st Child Keli Lane's stomach was "huge", jury told Published: 8:42PM Wednesday August 25, 2010 When Keli Lane was pregnant with the baby she is accused of murdering, another water polo player donned goggles to get a close look at her "huge" stomach, a Sydney court has been told. But Stacey Gaylard told the NSW Supreme Court jury Lane did not tell her she was pregnant and she did not ask. Gaylard said the incident happened as they were training with the Balmain women's water polo team at the Homebush pool around May or June 1996. Lane, 35, has pleaded not guilty to murdering her second baby, two-day-old Tegan Lane, on September 14, 1996. The Crown has alleged she kept three pregnancies secret, adopting out two infants and murdering Tegan. But Lane has told police she handed Tegan over to the infant's father. Police have found no trace of Tegan since September 14, 1996. On Wednesday, Gaylard said that while other players wore shorts at the Homebush session, Lane had on tracksuit pants even though the pool area was very warm. She said Lane tucked a towel around her before taking off her outer garments, and then slipped into the water. "I put my goggles on when Keli got in ... I went under the water and looked at Keli's stomach," she said. Justice Anthony Whealy asked the witness: "What business was it of yours?". "The fact that Keli looked huge around the torso, I guess we wanted to have a closer look," Gaylard said. "Keli's stomach was very large." Under cross-examination from Lane's barrister, Keith Chapple, SC, Gaylard agreed she had been "spying" on Lane. "You were a long-term buddy for years but you did not say anything to her?" Chapple asked. Gaylard agreed. "If Keli was pregnant and playing, that was her decision, it had nothing to do with me," she said. The fact that Lane did not tell her she was pregnant "made me think she didn't want my help and it was none of my business," Gaylard said. Earlier, a witness, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said he had a sexual relationship with Lane for about six weeks to two months around the middle of 1994. But he said it was not until 2005 that he found out he was the father of Lane's first child, whom she adopted out. "At any time during or after your relationship with Keli Lane did you become aware that she was pregnant?" asked prosector Mark Tedeschi QC. The witness replied no, and repeated the answer when asked if he became aware that she had a baby. The man said he gave evidence at the 2005 inquest into the disappearance of Tegan Lane and afterwards provided a DNA sample. "Subsequently, were you informed that you are the father of (Lane's first baby)?" Tedeschi asked. The man said he was. "Did that come as a complete surprise to you?" Tedeschi asked. "Yes, it sure did," he replied. The trial is continuing. |
Story of 2nd Child Pool mates found the bump in Keli's story By Matthew Thompson June 28, 2005 Keli Lane's three pregnancies may have slipped under the radar of her parents, close friends and even her boyfriend, but her fellow water polo players were more observant. Stacey Gaylard told Westmead Coroner's Court yesterday that Ms Lane "looked huge around the torso" and that she and the Sydney Olympics gold medallist Taryn Woods suspected she was pregnant. When they saw Ms Lane wearing a towel over her swimsuit in the stifling summer heat of the aquatic centre at Homebush Bay, they decided to investigate deeper. "Taryn and I both put goggles on and swam underwater to confirm our suspicions. I saw Keli underwater and from her body shape I had no doubt Keli must have been pregnant," she said. From what they saw in the summer of 1994-95 she found it hard to believe Ms Lane's boyfriend, Duncan Gillies, did not know of the pregnancy. Yesterday would have been Ms Lane's first questioning under oath on the suspected death of her daughter Tegan. According to the State Coroner, John Abernethy, she has told a "litany" of lies to police, adoption agents and health workers. But instead of facing questions, she wept beside her father as Mr Abernethy abruptly adjourned the inquest to September 12 - the same day as her missing child's ninth birthday. After suspending hearings until a forensic psychiatrist has examined the brief of evidence and testimonies given so far, Mr Abernethy told Ms Lane's lawyer, Peter Hamill, SC, that "it wouldn't be a bad idea for your client to consider seeing a psychiatrist". Counsel assisting, Rebbecca Becroft, said that after a week of questioning witnesses, the inquest was no closer to uncovering Tegan's fate. Ms Lane gave birth to three children in the 1990s. Two of them, a daughter born in 1995 and a son born in 1999, were legally given up for adoption. However, Ms Lane did not register Tegan's birth, and Tegan has not been seen since Ms Lane left Auburn Hospital with her two days after giving birth. Ms Lane told police she gave Tegan to her natural father, Andrew Norris, his girlfriend, Mel, and his mother in Auburn Hospital car park the day she was discharged. Police have found no evidence that such people exist. Mr Abernethy said that before hearings resumed he wanted to carry out a comprehensive cross-check of registered births with data collected by midwives. He wanted schools to finish looking for students fitting Tegan's birth details, "if in fact that child is alive", and asked anyone who knew of a couple "hitherto childless, who all of a sudden they have a child", to come forward. Such a thing "must be odd", he said. He also told police to interview Taryn Woods and her father, Dave Woods, a water polo coach. Ms Woods is the only witness who has refused to make a statement. Last week Mr Gillies testified to having had sex with her during his relationship with Ms Lane, which lasted from 1994 to 1998. Mr Abernethy also ordered police to conduct a forensic investigation of Ms Lane's car. Ms Lane's mother, Sandra Lane, told the inquest she had not noticed her daughter's pregnancies. Nor had she asked Ms Lane about them since she found out about the police investigation last year. "I have had a very distressing year with several difficult things that happened, and when I have tried to approach it I would get very upset," Mrs Lane said. |
Story Of 3rd Child Keli Lane and her baby 'secrets' - friends not told of pregnancy Lisa Davies From:The Daily Telegraph August 27, 2010 12:00AM THEY had known one another since they were kids, but that was not enough for Keli Lane to confide her biggest secret to them, a court heard yesterday. Lane, accused of murdering her second-born baby, became tearful yesterday as Olympic water polo stars Taryn Woods and Bronwyn Mayer (now Smith) gave evidence at her Supreme Court trial. Ms Woods said she had known Lane since they were about 15 and described the pair as "very good friends". They played water polo together for the Balmain club and for NSW between 1993 and 2000, but Ms Woods agreed with Justice Anthony Whealy yesterday that Lane had never represented Australia at an open level. Ms Woods said women's water polo was admitted as an Olympic sport in October 1997, but that she could "not recall specifically" ever having had a conversation with Lane about her ambition to play. However, she said she had noticed her friend had put on weight but admitted never mentioning it to her, or suspecting she was carrying a child. Mrs Smith said she too had noticed weight gain because "I saw her in a swim suit" at training. But she too confessed she had said nothing about it to Lane. Lane, 35, appeared to hold back tears numerous times during the evidence. She has pleaded not guilty to murdering her baby Tegan in 1996. The Crown alleges Lane murdered baby Tegan in 1996, in part due to a desire to represent Australia at the 2000 Olympics. The Crown alleges she gave birth three times in the 1990s, keeping all pregnancies secret from her family, friends and lovers. Lane has also pleaded not guilty to three charges of perjury relating to two other children she put up for adoption either side of Tegan's birth. The jury also heard from the biological father of her third child, who told the court he was just 19 when he had a four-to-six month relationship with Lane, four years his senior. The father of the third child, who cannot be identified, told the court the pair were together after Lane's relationship with footballer Duncan Gillies broke up in 1998. The man said he had no idea Lane had fallen pregnant during their relationship - his first "adult" one - and only found out he was the child's father two years ago, when he was asked to supply DNA. The trial before Justice Whealy resumes on Monday. |