Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Get rich on Bitcoin? The highs and the lows

Some people are so lucky... but to live like this is just too risky. Do NOT live like this guy. While this guy was lucky, there were MANY who were NOT as lucky. Watch this video and see.

Get rich on Bitcoin? The highs and the lows
22 Apr 2018 12:23AM (Updated: 22 Apr 2018 12:30AM)

This man went from struggling to pay for chicken rice, to being able to pay off a condo unit – thanks to Bitcoin.

But Talking Point asks, what are the risks involved, and should you put your coin in?

2 years ago Eugene Tay was struggling to make ends meet.

Today, he owns this 1-Bedroom Condominium Apartment which he paid over half-million dollars for last year - using Bitcoin.

Eugene Tay, Freelance Actor, bought his home with Bitcoin.

[In this video Eugene Tay says,

I had almost no money in my wallet - (when) I wanted to buy a plate of chicken rice I had to consider whether I should buy it.

Everyone was telling me...

"Bro, you're crazy!"
"Don't be silly,
you'll lose your money,
it's fake money!"

... but for some reason, I was just stubborn. I was like, either I stick to what I'm doing today... and die hungry, or I do something drastic.

So I took all the money I had and pumped it into Bitcoin.

The market was so hot back then, that any coin that you put your money in, you would make 5 times - in a week! So I started rolling because I got lazy to cash out.

By the time I could afford a condo and got a surplus, I said OK, now it's time to cash out.]

The Monetary Authority of Singapore warns that Bitcoin is a High-Risk Investment.

And it can be stolen.

Not everyone was so lucky. Watch this Video Link below, to see that there are others who made loses and are victims of this Bitcoin Investments.

Video Link:


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