Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mother, You're Just An Angel

Here is my current preferred lyrics and style of singing this song.

[If you choose to sing V3 onwards (normally spoken)... 
the first 3 notes... is the same as first 3 notes from 'V1 & V2, 
i.e. 'There are friends' & 'Though her hands'... and... 
the rest of the verse should flow with the same flavor]

I built a chorus from part of the lyrics so others can join in and sing to their mothers as well.

This is the original.

My Mother (You're just an angel and I love you) ~ Hank Snow
My Current Preferred Version

Mother, You're Just An Angel
~ original Music & Lyrics, and sung by Hank Snow
~ also sung by Slim Dusty
~ title & lyrics, very slightly edited by PGA

[Part 1 of 2
~ for all occasions, 
~ especially a happy one.]

There are friends who'll want you, but just for a day
There are pals you think are true, but they'll cast you away
But there's one loving soul, I'll sure recommend
She's your mother, God loves her, she'll be true till the end

Mother, you're just an angel and I love you.

Though her hands are all wrinkled and old,
Silver hair that has lost all its glow
You've wandered and roamed, all through the years
And sometimes you've left her, with heartaches and tears

[1st Optional Pre-Ending with Chorus below]
So kiss her old brow, whisper softly and true

Mother, you're just an angel and I love you.

[Part 2 of 2
~ for some occasions, 
~ especially a SAD one, 
~ or just to present this song in its entirety.]

[If you choose to sing V3 onwards (normally spoken)... 
the first 3 notes... is the same as first 3 notes from 'V1 & V2, 
i.e. 'There are friends' & 'Though her hands'... and... 
the rest of the verse should flow with the same flavor]

[V3] ~ [Spoken or Sung]
On the door of a cottage, a wreath sadly hung
And a hearse stood there awaiting, till choir had sung
There were flowers in their beauty, and the Preacher, he prayed
This was the last tribute, as we left... for her grave

Mother you're just an angel and I love you.

[V4] ~ [Spoken or Sung]
She won't meet you tonight, when you crave her caress
She has reared you to adulthood, and now you've laid her to rest
Those flowers in their beauty, to her they're unknown
Cause tonight she's with the angels, up around God's great throne

Mother, you're just an angel and I love you.

[V5] ~ [Spoken or Sung]
So don't wait, that late, to try and repay
Give those flowers, and those treasures, but... give them today
Let her know that you love her, and show that you care
Because she's your mother, she's as true as a prayer

[2nd Optional Pre-Ending with Chorus below]
So kiss her old brow whisper softly and true

Mother, you're just an angel and I love you.


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