Friday, December 14, 2012

English ~ Spelled/Spelt ~ Learned/Learnt ~ Spilled/Spilt

Email below, which started this blog, is a sample of Out-of-Office Email Disclamer in 'Copy Writing'... 
which is more accurately 'spelt or spelled' as 'Copywriting' and not to be confused with Copyright.

This interest has branched of to other interests like:
• Spelled vs. Spelt ~ I prefer 'Spelled' as 'Spelt' could mean something else... I think it's a kind of 'wheat'.
• Learned vs. Learnt ~ I prefer 'Learnt' to differentiate it from 'Learned' pronounced as 'Learn-ed'.
• Spilled vs. Spilt ~ 




From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not to be confused with Copyright.

Copywriting is the act of writing copy (text) for the purpose of advertising or marketing a productbusinesspersonopinion or idea. The addressee (reader, listener, etc.) of the copy is meant to be persuaded to buy the product advertised for, or subscribe to the viewpoint the text shares.

Copywriters are used to help create direct mail pieces, taglines, jingle lyricsweb page content (although if the purpose is not ultimately promotional, its author might prefer to be called a content writer), online ads, e-mail and other Internet content, television or radio commercial scriptspress releaseswhite paperscatalogsbillboards, brochures, postcards, sales letters, and other marketing communications media. Copy can also appear in social media content including blog posts, tweets, and social-networking site posts.

Content writing on websites may include among its objectives the achievement of higher rankings in search engines. Known as "organic" search engine optimization (SEO), [1] this practice involves the strategic placement and repetition of keywords and keyword phrases on web pages, writing in a manner that human readers would consider normal.




Spelled vs. spelt

In American English, spelt primarily refers to the hardy wheat grown mostly in Europe, and the verb spell makes spelled in the past tense and as a past participle. In all other main varieties of English, spelt and spelled both work as the past tense and past participle of spell, at least where spell means to form words letter by letter or (with outto make clear. Outside the U.S., the two forms are interchangeable in these senses, and both are commonly used.

But when spell carries the sense to temporarily relieve (someone) from workspelled is the preferred form throughout the English-speaking world. This is a minor point, though, as this sense of spell is rarely used outside the U.S., where it is most common.

Spelled is not a recent Americanism, as many people assume (including some who have commented on this post). Both spelled and spelt are old, and examples of each are easily found in historical Google Books searches covering the 17th and 18th centuries. It is true, however, that spelt was ascendant everywhere through most of the 19th century. This ended when the Americans permanently settled on spelled around 1900.

Interesting Comment 1:

by Auburnwine • 8 months ago, Monday, 2012 Apr 09 at 11:45am

Here in Australia it is spelt, not spelled, learnt is completely different to learned (pronounced learn-ed, as in my learn-ed colleague). Ho is something Santa says, Hoe is what you till the earth in your vegie patch and a Whore is a lady of the night or a prostitute.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Undisclosed
Date: Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 10:20 PM
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: To Undisclosed
To: Undisclosed

I am on leave afternoon of 12th & 13th Dec and all day on 14th Dec. 

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