Friday, July 13, 2012

Vocal Tip ~ Learning Music & Baking a Cake

What would it take to remember the following 'Basic Music Theory'?

As it is with everything else in life...

I've learnt that...
if you have the interest, very little or no teaching is required; but 
if you have no interest, no amount of teaching will ever be enough.

Maybe... that's why... I'll never be able to bake a cake; 
I could never understand why the common American saying... 
"piece of cake" is suppose to mean that it's "very easy".

Basic Music Theory

Middle C
The Middle C is located in the middle of the Grand Staff shown in this diagram here.

Treble Clef

The treble clef is also called the G clef because the centre of the clef curls around the the 2nd horizontal line, marked in red in the diagram below, associated with the note G above middle C.
The treble clef symbol is actually a stylised letter G.


Naming Notes on the Treble Clef

The four inner spaces of the treble clef read upwards spell the word FACE .
The five lines read upwards spell EGBDF which you can remember using the phrase 'Every Good Boy Does Fine'.


The Bass Clef

The bass clef is also called the F clef because the two dots in the clef symbol lie above and below the 4th horizontal line, marked in red in the diagram below, associated with the note F below middle C.
The bass clef symbol is actually a stylised letter F where the two horizontal lines of the letter have been reduced to two dots.


Naming Notes on the Bass Clef

The names of the bass clef lines GBDFA can be remembered by the phrase 'Good Boys Do Fine Always'.
The four inner spaces ACEG by the phrases All Cows Eat Grass or All Cars Eat Gas.



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