Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Joke ~ Stand Up Comedy ~ Confirm! Double Confirm!

Confirm! Double Confirm!
Confirm! Double Confirm! 
--- is the catch-phrase of a current TV Game Show called 'We Are Singaporeans')
You know how it is when, what's on TV gets into your daily conversations.
Sometime back, I called a friend of mine, 
her 2 year old daughter answers the phone.
I asked her... where's mummy.
She says... mummy's in the bedroom right now.
I decide to play along... and asked... are you sure?
She says... wait, I go check.
She goes to the bedroom.. I'm assuming this, because it felt like she was walking there... I just know it.
Then I hear her calling out to her mum... Mummy! are you in the room?
Then I hear her mum... Yes... 
This little girl asks her mum... Confirm?
Then I hear a man's voice... Yes... Double Confirm!

(all clips courtesy of mediacorpch5 on youtube)


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