Saturday, March 20, 2010

Prayer for Our Cantors

Sorry... I couldn't help laughing when i read this... it's the pictures I see in my mind.

“See yourself as like a cow chewing the cud, 
not rushing to swallow but going over the 
verses or word that you are focusing on until 
you have sucked out all the goodness.”
Prayer for Our Cantors
(With an excerpt from ‘Inspiring Women Everyday’)

Dear God,
May you guide each and every of our cantors, in their prior music preparations of singing the psalm, to: 
“Read it through once, and then read it through once again more slowly, taking time to notice any particular verses or words that strike you as you are reading. Give yourself the space to reflect on the things you have noticed, maybe by repeating a verse to yourself a few times, or holding a word in your mind and allowing pictures to form from it. See yourself as like a cow chewing the cud, not rushing to swallow but going over the verses or word that you are focusing on until you have sucked out all the goodness. You might like to do this just once, or you may have time to do this a few times…”


Still Pix

The above was just a re-do because the earlier GIF animation was no more. So... this time... I decided to take a STILL picture so we know what it look like... minus the animation. Click on the image to enlarge it.

GIF Pixs

And here are some other GIF collections.

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