Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How to make conversations with you children interesting?

If my son knows about this,
he will call this...
The Mummy Daddy Combo.

When Daddy Do Little... does 
the little things behind the scenes,
Mummy plays the Creative, Witty Mom.

We take turns...
BUT together...
we are... 
The Mummy Daddy Combo

How to make conversations with you children interesting?
~ by The Mummy Daddy Combo.

This story is being told by Daddy Do Little,
with an award winning performance by Mummy.

Our daughter posted a Riddle 
in our Family Whats-app Group.

The Question
What comes once in a minute, 
twice in a moment but not 
once in a thousand years?

The Simple Answer:
The letter “m”.

But her mother did not answer it so simply... 
...she replied,
"... and thrice in mummy."

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