Tuesday, January 28, 2014

About Bicycles ~ Road Safety for ALL Road Users

Lessons learnt when bad things happen. I sincerely wish we don't have to learn things this way. My heart goes out to their parents. If I lost my children, I'd feel very sad as well.

About Bicycles ~ for ALL Road Users
(according to News Article below)

This could happen to any of us, pedestrians, drivers and riders. So remember to pay "... due care and attention and keep a proper lookout  ..." while on the road.

Quoted from News Article:
The driver "... had told police that while he saw some pedestrians walking along the pavement from the other end of the pedestrian crossing, he did not notice if there were people walking (or riding a bicycle) along the pavement near to his left side."

This is very true. You will NOT notice it at a glanceEspecially IF the boys were riding their bicycle very fast and when you initially look, they will NOT be near the pavement BUT probably fast approaching it, and will only reach the pavement after you quickly glanced away.

Quoted from News Article:
"This incident should nonetheless serve as a timely reminder for cyclists to get off their bicycles before availing themselves to the privileges of a pedestrian crossing." 

Although the driver was wrong for he "... had not paid due care and attention and failed to keep a proper lookout ...". The boys were equally at fault for NOT getting off their bikes when using the "... privileges of a pedestrian crossing. ..."., and also, "... had not paid due care and attention and failed to keep a proper lookout ...", and they paid for their mistakes with their life.

If they rode their bicycle at walking pace, that would have been safer, BUT this is NOT ALLOWED and strictly DISCOURAGED when using the "... privileges of a pedestrian crossing. ...".
News Article

Cement-mixer driver jailed 2 weeks for Tampines fatal accident
Published on Jan 27, 2014, 1:24 PM

By Elena Chong

A cement-mixer driver who negligently caused the death of the two Yap brothers in Tampines a year ago was jailed for two weeks on Monday.

Munir Mohd Naim will also be banned from driving all vehicles for five years upon his release.

The 57-year-old, who is now doing odd jobs, pleaded guilty to causing the death of Nigel Yap Yew Cheong, 13, and his seven-year-old brother, Donavan, who was a pillion rider, while they were cycling along Tampines Street 45 at 5.43pm on Jan 28 last year.

Munir had not paid due care and attention and failed to keep a proper lookout while making a left turn from Tampines Avenue 9 into Tampines Street 45 when he collided into the brothers.

Photo Caption 1 (Photo NOT included):
Cement-mixer driver, Munir Mohd Naim (centre), was jailed for two weeks on Monday. Munir will also be banned from driving all vehicles for five years upon his release.

A court heard that Munir had stopped his cement truck which was the third vehicle at the extreme left lane of Tampines Avenue 9 before the signalised cross-junction.

At about that time, Nigel was cycling on the pavement on the same side of the road.

When the pedestrian traffic light and vehicle traffic light showed a "green man'' signal and turned "green'' respectively, the vehicles in front of Munir moved off straight across while Munir drove to the junction to make a left turn into Tampines Street 45.

Eye witnesses saw Munir making the left turn without stopping. His truck hit the two brothers who were cycling across the road and its rear left tyre then ran over them.

Munir had told police that while he saw some pedestrians walking along the pavement from the other end of the pedestrian crossing, he did not notice if there were people walking along the pavement near to his left side.

The two brothers were pronounced dead at the scene by a paramedic.

Munir, a divorcee with three grown-up children, had a clean driving record until the unfortunate incident, said his counsel Sunil Sudheesan. He was sorry to the boys' family for having caused the loss of two children.

"This was a tragedy that no one wanted to occur. Our client is sincerely contrite and accepts responsibility.

"This incident should nonetheless serve as a timely reminder for cyclists to get off their bicycles before availing themselves to the privileges of a pedestrian crossing,'' the lawyer said.

Munir could have been jailed for up to two years and/or fined for causing death by doing a negligent act.



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