Tuesday, January 28, 2014

About Bicycles ~ Road Safety for ALL Road Users

Lessons learnt when bad things happen. I sincerely wish we don't have to learn things this way. My heart goes out to their parents. If I lost my children, I'd feel very sad as well.

About Bicycles ~ for ALL Road Users
(according to News Article below)

This could happen to any of us, pedestrians, drivers and riders. So remember to pay "... due care and attention and keep a proper lookout  ..." while on the road.

Quoted from News Article:
The driver "... had told police that while he saw some pedestrians walking along the pavement from the other end of the pedestrian crossing, he did not notice if there were people walking (or riding a bicycle) along the pavement near to his left side."

This is very true. You will NOT notice it at a glanceEspecially IF the boys were riding their bicycle very fast and when you initially look, they will NOT be near the pavement BUT probably fast approaching it, and will only reach the pavement after you quickly glanced away.

Quoted from News Article:
"This incident should nonetheless serve as a timely reminder for cyclists to get off their bicycles before availing themselves to the privileges of a pedestrian crossing." 

Although the driver was wrong for he "... had not paid due care and attention and failed to keep a proper lookout ...". The boys were equally at fault for NOT getting off their bikes when using the "... privileges of a pedestrian crossing. ..."., and also, "... had not paid due care and attention and failed to keep a proper lookout ...", and they paid for their mistakes with their life.

If they rode their bicycle at walking pace, that would have been safer, BUT this is NOT ALLOWED and strictly DISCOURAGED when using the "... privileges of a pedestrian crossing. ...".
News Article

Cement-mixer driver jailed 2 weeks for Tampines fatal accident
Published on Jan 27, 2014, 1:24 PM

By Elena Chong

A cement-mixer driver who negligently caused the death of the two Yap brothers in Tampines a year ago was jailed for two weeks on Monday.

Munir Mohd Naim will also be banned from driving all vehicles for five years upon his release.

The 57-year-old, who is now doing odd jobs, pleaded guilty to causing the death of Nigel Yap Yew Cheong, 13, and his seven-year-old brother, Donavan, who was a pillion rider, while they were cycling along Tampines Street 45 at 5.43pm on Jan 28 last year.

Munir had not paid due care and attention and failed to keep a proper lookout while making a left turn from Tampines Avenue 9 into Tampines Street 45 when he collided into the brothers.

Photo Caption 1 (Photo NOT included):
Cement-mixer driver, Munir Mohd Naim (centre), was jailed for two weeks on Monday. Munir will also be banned from driving all vehicles for five years upon his release.

A court heard that Munir had stopped his cement truck which was the third vehicle at the extreme left lane of Tampines Avenue 9 before the signalised cross-junction.

At about that time, Nigel was cycling on the pavement on the same side of the road.

When the pedestrian traffic light and vehicle traffic light showed a "green man'' signal and turned "green'' respectively, the vehicles in front of Munir moved off straight across while Munir drove to the junction to make a left turn into Tampines Street 45.

Eye witnesses saw Munir making the left turn without stopping. His truck hit the two brothers who were cycling across the road and its rear left tyre then ran over them.

Munir had told police that while he saw some pedestrians walking along the pavement from the other end of the pedestrian crossing, he did not notice if there were people walking along the pavement near to his left side.

The two brothers were pronounced dead at the scene by a paramedic.

Munir, a divorcee with three grown-up children, had a clean driving record until the unfortunate incident, said his counsel Sunil Sudheesan. He was sorry to the boys' family for having caused the loss of two children.

"This was a tragedy that no one wanted to occur. Our client is sincerely contrite and accepts responsibility.

"This incident should nonetheless serve as a timely reminder for cyclists to get off their bicycles before availing themselves to the privileges of a pedestrian crossing,'' the lawyer said.

Munir could have been jailed for up to two years and/or fined for causing death by doing a negligent act.



Thursday, January 23, 2014

Quote ~ 2 ways to live life ~ Nothing or Everything, is a miracle

There are 2 ways to live:
you can live as if nothing is a miracle, or 
you can live as if everything is a miracle.
~ Albert Einstein


GIF ~ Cat jumps off ledge, Parkour Style

C-M-I or cmi 
(Cannot Make It)

Cat jumps off ledge, Parkour Style


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Quote ~ Struggle & Strength ~ by Robert Tew


The struggle you're 
in today is developing 
the strength you need for 
tomorrow. Don't give up.


Online GIFs You Can Use

These are loaded on this Blog.

GIF ~ Purple Guitar Bird

GIF ~ Heart for You

GIF ~ Karaoke


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Poem ~ Another year has passed ~ by Unknown

Someone just sent me this.

~ Another year has passed
~ by Unknown.

Another year has passed
And we're all a little older.
Last summer felt hotter
And winter seems much colder.

There was a time not long ago
When life was quite a blast.
Now I fully understand
About 'Living in the Past'

We used to go to weddings,
Football games and lunches..
Now we go to funeral homes
And after-funeral brunches.

We used to have hangovers,
From parties that were gay.
Now we suffer body aches
And wile the night away.

We used to go out dining,
And couldn't get our fill.
Now we ask for doggie bags,
Come home and take a pill.

We used to often travel
To places near and far.
Now we get sore asses
From riding in the car.

We used to go to nightclubs
And drink a little booze.
Now we stay home at night
And watch the evening news.

That, my friend is how life is,
And now my tale is told.
So, enjoy each day and live it up...
Before you're too damned old!


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bearded Dragon (or Pogona)

Why I like this?

These pictures of the Bearded Dragon (or Pogona) look like 
Dragons and will form a guide if I ever want to draw Dragons.

Bearded Dragon (or Pogona)


Monday, January 13, 2014

Quote ~ When something bad happens

"When something bad happens, 
you have 3 choices. You can let 
it define you; let it destroy you, 
or you can let it strengthen you."
~ Author Unknown


Choir Guy

Sized downwards

Size 50

Size 100

Size 150

Size 200

Choir Guy

Original Pix


Monday, January 06, 2014

Quote ~ Holding On & Letting Go

"Some people believe that holding on 
and hanging in there are signs of strength, 
but there are times in life when it takes 
much more strength just to let go." 
-- Ann Landers (pen name of either Ruth Crowley or Eppie Lederer)


Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy 27th Anniversary 2014!

Happy 27th Anniversary 2014!

We had a lovely Anniversary Lunch at 
iBake (part of Prima, of Prima Deli)

You are my darling.
Here are some GIF files.
02-00-02 ~ GIF at 0007-4secs ~ EBS
EBS, very stylish with the thumb-up sign, 
so good that somebody else had to follow.
02-00-03 ~ GIF at 0012-5secs ~ EBS
I like the way the kids came into 
the video at 00:12, very stylish.
02-00-04 ~ GIF at 0048-5secs ~ EBS
And here I am finally in the picture at top-left.
02-00-01 ~ GIF via Make-A-GIF ~ EBS
Better quality but slower GIF.

EBS, very stylish with the thumb-up sign, 
so good that somebody else had to follow.

Here are some still pixs
Facebook (taken by Harry Wee & uploaded to FB by Elaine Yeo)