Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rhetoric Joke ~ They drove our economy into a ditch

I'm not on anyone's side here. I'm just enjoying this Rhetoric Joke.

These are the folks whose policies 
help devastate our middle class. 
They drove our economy into a ditch.
I don't want to give them the keys back. 
They don't know how to drive.
President Barack Obama on...
Mitt Romney, nominee of the Republican Party for 
President of the United States in the 2012 election.

Excerpt from President Obama's remarks on September 6, 2010 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin:

President Obama: "They Drove Our Economy into a Ditch."

"So basically here's what this election comes down to. They're betting that between now and November you're going to come down with amnesia. They figure you're going to forget what there agenda did to this country. They think you'll just believe that they've changed. 

These are the folks whose policies help devastate our middle class. They drove our economy into a ditch.

And we got in there and put on our boots. And we pushed and we shoved and we were sweating. These guys were standing, watching us, sipping on a Slurpee. And they were pointing at us saying, 'how come you're not pushing harder? how come you're not pushing faster?' And then when we finally got the car up--and it's got a few dings and a few dents. It's got some mud on it. We're going to have to do some work on it. They point out to everybody and say:

'Look what these guys did to your car!' 

After we got it out of the ditch, and then they got the nerve to ask for the keys back. 

I don't want to give them the keys back. They don't know how to drive."


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