Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Responsorial Psalm 59 ~ Wed, 17th Week in Ordinary Times

This is the Responsorial Psalm for today, Wed, 1st August, 2012.

With a little laziness, lack of time and "creativity" thrown in the mix... 
I've decided to use one of Last Week's Tune to the Response and Psalm Tone.
I think it seem to fit quite well.

Responsorial Psalm 59
Wednesday, 17th Week in Ordinary Times

Responsorial Psalm
Ps 59:2-3, 4, 10-11, 17, 18, (R/. = 17d)

God is my refuge on the day of distress.

Rescue me from my enemies, O my God;
from my adversa-ries de-fend me.
Rescue me from  e  - vil - doers;
from bloodthirsty men~ save me. [R/.]

For be-hold, 
they lie in wait for my life;
mighty men come to-ge-ther a-gainst me,
Not for any offense or sin of mine, O LORD.  [R/.]

O my strength! for you   watch;
for you, O God, are my stronghold,
As for my God, may his mercy go before me;
may he show me the fall of my foes. [R/.]

But I will sing of your strength
and revel at dawn in your mercy;
You have been my stronghold,
my refuge in the day of distress. [R/.]

O my strength! 
your praise will I sing;
for you, O God, are my stronghold,
my mer -  ci  - ful God! [R/.]


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