Thursday, January 05, 2012

Art ~ Quick Sketching

Interesting in that I actually like the drawings that are done along with the narrations... BUT I don't believe a lot of the things mentioned in the video. Basically it's about the type of food that will help you loose weight... good advice... BUT you don't actually need to buy this book... you just need self-discipline. Even if you buy the book but with no self-discipline, you're NOT going to loose that fat.

Just enjoy the drawings... I did.

Truth About Abs Story by Mike Geary

Cool drawings. But waste of my time.
TheHersey 4 weeks ago

Below was the original links I got... 

links here are for archive purposes... 
I won't go there again... 
because the video had no stop button... 
but no problem,
you can close the link so it's OK.

Choose to see Video for Men or Women?

FREE Fat Loss Video for Men (very unusual)

Odd Foods that Kill Stomach Fat?

Make sure your sound is turned on! 
Please wait up to 10 seconds for the video to load

The video presentation on this page will show you some great tips on how to lose your stomach fat and get lean flat abs. This isn't any kind of gimmick... this is real science on the healthiest type of nutrition plan that eliminates your cravings, crazy types of full body workouts that stimulate the burning of stubborn abdominal fat, and most importantly -- the mindset tricks that you NEED in order to maintain your own perfect body for the long term.  Remember:  Watch the entire video, as the end will surprise you!

Mike Geary


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