Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright ~ by William Blake

The Tyger' By William Blake
the tyger
Classical Guitar and Singer rendition
For the guitar chords, please check out 'the tyger - guitar part'

Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright ~ by William Blake
(Old English)

tyger, tyger burning bright
in the forests of the night
what immortal hand or eye
could frame your fearful symmetry

in what distant deeps or skies
burnt the fire of thine eyes
on what wings dare he aspire
what the hand dare seize the fire

and what shoulder and what art
could twist the sinews of thy heart
and when thy heart began to beat
what dread hand and what dread feet

what the hammer, what the chain
in what furnace was thy brain
what the anvil, what dread grasp
dare its deadly terrors clasp

when the stars threw down their spears
and watered heaven with their tears
did he smile his work to see
did he who made the lamb make thee

tyger, tyger burning bright
in the forests of the night
what immortal hand or eye
could frame your fearful symmetry

Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright ~ by William Blake
(Modern English)

tiger, tiger burning bright
in the forests of the night
what immortal hand or eye
could frame your fearful symmetry

in what distant deeps or skies
burnt the fire of your eyes
on what wings dare he aspire
what the hand dare seize the fire

and what shoulder and what art
could twist the sinews of your heart
and when your heart began to beat
what dread hand and what dread feet

what the hammer, what the chain
in what furnace was your brain
what the anvil, what dread grasp
dare its deadly terrors clasp

when the stars threw down their spears
and watered heaven with their tears
did he smile his work to view
did he who made the lamb make you



Here's to the best part of your day.
Cocoa Cappuccino & Iced Cocoa Cappuccino

Here's to the best part of your day.
Cocoa Cappuccino & Iced Cocoa Cappuccino

Computer Kids Of Today

Picture of child at the computer...
this looks the picture of an earlier blog entry... (click here)

The Kelong, The Fishes & The Rats ~ PGA

Kelong in its purest form that only catch fish... 
is good clean recreational fun... however... 
beware of organisations that promote... 
get rich quick, smoking, drinking, gambling 
& even gaming... or addiction in any other form.

Be careful of syndicates... 
that lure unsuspecting people; 
they're like a KELONG... 
that lures the unsuspecting fishes.
Smell the fishes and you'll smell the rats too.
The rats are the people doing the shady work,
And the fishes are the ones getting caught.

~ PGA,
paraphrased from and earlier article titled 'Get Rich Quick!'
on TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2010, 7:48 PM


Kelong (sometimes spelt Kellong) is a Malay word to describe a form of offshore platform built predominantly with wood, and can be found in waters off Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia, while only a handful remains around Singapore due to rapid urbanisation. Kelongs are built by fishermen primarily for fishing purposes, although larger structures can also function as dwellings for them and their families. They are built without the need for nails, using rattan to bind tree trunks and wooden planks together. Anchored into the sea bed using wooden piles of about 20 metres in length and driven about 6 metres into the sea, they are usually sited in shallow water, although some can be found in deeper waters. Some kelongs are less isolated, and are connected to land via a wooden gangway. Other variants of Kelongs can be mobile, or may involve a large groups of Kelongs joined together into a massive offshore community. In modern Singlish usage, the word kelong is now used as a suggestion of match fixing by referees, in particular in the context of soccer


Get Rich Quick ~ Be Careful ~ 2011 Mar 10, 0941hrs

Once again... I read in the news just last tuesday March 8, 2011 and saw 3 "Get Rich Quick" Ads.

Here's my advice...

Get Rich Quick ~ Be careful... 
especially if you're bad in Maths... 
which is needed to calculate your risk...
and if you rarely read the News because you... 
won't know what is happening in the world, 
for that is where your risk lies (accidental pun).
~ 2011 Mar 10, 0941hrs

On one of them, they even had a disclaimer which was so small, 
I had to increase it by 500% for this picture here below.

Here's what the disclaimer said:
Disclaimer: All forms of trading and investment carry risk. 
Such activities may not be suitable for everyone.

Click on picture to enlarge...

Here are the 3 Ads...
