Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Prayer For Those Who Procrastinate

Dear heavenly Father, we make this prayer for those or us who have difficulty doing the tasks at hand immediately due to a variety of reasons... be it at work or in our studies. Perhaps it is due to distractions that take us away from the tasks we have to do. Help us... by keeping us focused on the things we have to do. Whenever we stray away from the tasks we have in front of us... help us realize quickly... repeat this prayer... and get back on track. Help us also to realize that everything that happens in our lives, happens for reasons best known to you. In realizing our weakness in procrastination, we are humbled... and in our humility... we recognize that we need to prayer to you, our heavenly Father, so that we will be able to see the little miracles that happen everyday whenever you help us. Let us not be discouraged by our falling... but rejoice in our rising... each time we fall... which will can only make us stronger. We make this prayer through Jesus your son... and Mary our mother. Amen.

~ PGA, Tuesday, 2011 Sep 20, 0807hrs


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