Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Prayer for...

Here's an update:
They all came back safely.
Original Blog Entry:
~ the People of Japan 
~ Serene's sister, Sandra's Family 
~ Peggy & her friend/s
~ all those who are affected by this crisis
Our Father in heaven. Holy be your name. 
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven,
Please continue to give the people of Japan the courage 
as they go through this crisis of the Tsunami, the Earthquake, 
and now the Threat of Nuclear Radiation, 
and what would seem like an uncertain future.
Help them rebuild their lives once again 
as they have done so in the past.
There are some of them trying to get out of there, 
please help them find a way. 
Especially Serene's sister, Sandra's family.
People around the world are trying to help, 
please clear the obstacles so that help can get there fast.
We pray also for Peggy & her friend/s who is/are still in Taiwan 
that they be safe from the disasters that has affected Japan, 
and when it's possible, please aid in their return to Singapore.
For that matter, we pray also for all those who are far from home 
and want to return home. Please grant them this possibility.
We make this prayer through Jesus Christ and his blessed mother. 

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