Monday, February 28, 2011

How to Start a 10,000 Steps Exercise Program ~ By David Sarokin

Here's an interesting way to exercise...

How to Start a 10,000 Steps Exercise Program ~ By David Sarokin

On average, people walk about 1,000-3,000 steps a day in their ordinary activities. Health pros suggest we up that figure to 10,000 steps a day as one of the keys to healthy livingA 10,000 Step Program can be the path to fitness. Here's how to get started.

Good running or walking shoes are recommended for 10,000 Steps. Made it! Another 10,000 Steps tomorrow! 10,000 steps, in the gym, health club or outdoors.


1 ***Read About 10,000 Steps***
The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports recommends the 10,000 steps a day goal as a way of getting a healthy dose of exercise, losing weight, and keeping fit. The Resource Section (Scroll down) includes links where you can read more about it.

2 ***Take It Slow***
Walking 10,000 steps might mean adding an hour or more of walk time to your usual daily routine. This may not be an immediate goal for everyone. Start off slow by using everyday opportunities to walk a bit more -- stairs instead of the elevator (down is fine), walk to the mailbox or grocery store, go out for an evening stroll. Whenever you're about to get into your car, think: "Can I walk, instead?"

3 ***Take Care of Your Feet***
Good comfortable sneakers are the way to go. They don't need to be specially marketed as "walking shoes" (though those certainly wouldn't hurt). But as you build up to 10,000 steps a day, you'll come to appreciate the comfort and protection of a good pair of walking/running more and more.

4 ***Keep Count***
A pedometer that clips onto your belt or clothes is a simple and inexpensive way to keep tabs on how many steps your take during the course of a day. A simple search on "pedometer" will give you dozens to choose from. Use the pedometer for a week to get your baseline -- the typical number of steps taken during your average day. Then set a goal for yourself to increase your steps (say, an extra 1,000 steps a day), and use the pedometer to track your progress. Then add another 1,000. And another.

5 ***Use the Gym***
If you prefer a gym as part of your walking routine, no problem. Step class, the treadmill, a stair climber -- anything that gets you in a walking motion -- all count towards your goal. Some machines will even keep count for you. Note, however, that pedometers do not always do well on stair-stepper and similar machines. You may have to learn to 'translate' your machine step count.

6 ***Lock It In***
Once you reach your goal, keep going and make it a habit. After a few months of stepping, you'll feel great, and wonder how you ever got by without it.
Resources Section:

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