Sunday, June 27, 2010

Psalms 1 to 150

To continue tidying later... 20 down 130 to go...
Psalm 1 Blessed is the man 
Psalm 2 Why do the heathen 
Psalm 3 Lord, how are they increased 
Psalm 4 Hear me when I call 
Psalm 5 Give ear to my words 
Psalm 6 O Lord, rebuke me not 
Psalm 7 O Lord my God, in thee have I put my trust 
Psalm 8 How excellent is thy name 
Psalm 9 I will praise thee 
Psalm 10 Why standest thou afar off

Psalm 11 In the Lord put I my trust 
Psalm 12 Help, Lord; for the godly man ceaseth 
Psalm 13 How long wilt thou forget me 
Psalm 14 The fool hath said 
Psalm 15 Lord, who shall abide 
Psalm 16 Preserve me, O God 
Psalm 17 Hear the right 
Psalm 18 I will love thee 
Psalm 19 The heavens declare the glory 
Psalm 20 The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble

Psalm 21 The king shall rejoice in thy strengthPsalm 22 My God, why hast thou forsaken mePsalm 23 The Lord is my shepherdPsalm 24 The earth is the Lord’sPsalm 25 Unto thee, O Lord, will I lift up my soulPsalm 26 Judge me, O LordPsalm 27 The Lord is my lightPsalm 28 Unto thee will I cryPsalm 29 Give unto the LordPsalm 30 I will extol theePsalm 31 In thee, O Lord, have I put my trustPsalm 32 Blessed is he whose transgression is forgivenPsalm 33 Rejoice in the LordPsalm 34 I will bless the Lord at all timesPsalm 35 Plead thou my causePsalm 36 The transgression of the wickedPsalm 37 Fret not thyself because of evildoersPsalm 38 Rebuke me not in thy wrathPsalm 39 I will take heed to my waysPsalm 40 I waited patiently for the LordPsalm 41 Blessed is he that considereth the poorPsalm 42 As the hart panteth after the waterPsalm 43 Judge me, O GodPsalm 44 We have heard with our earsPsalm 45 My heart is inditing of a good matterPsalm 46 God is our refuge and strengthPsalm 47 O clap your hands, all ye peoplePsalm 48 Great is the Lord and highly to be praisedPsalm 49 Hear this, all ye peoplePsalm 50 The Lord, even the most mighty God, hath spokenPsalm 51 Have mercy upon mePsalm 52 Why boastest thou thyself in mischiefPsalm 53 The fool hath said in his heartPsalm 54 Save me, O God, by thy namePsalm 55 Give ear to my prayerPsalm 56 Be merciful unto me, O GodPsalm 57 Be merciful unto mePsalm 58 Do ye indeed speak righteousnessPsalm 59 Deliver me from mine enemiesPsalm 60 O God, thou hast cast us offPsalm 61 Hear my cry, O GodPsalm 62 Truly my soul waiteth upon GodPsalm 63 Early will I seek theePsalm 64 Hear my voice, O God, in my prayerPsalm 65 Praise waiteth for theePsalm 66 Make a joyful noise unto GodPsalm 67 God be merciful unto us, and bless usPsalm 68 Let God arise, and let his enemies be scatteredPsalm 69 Save me, O God, for the waters are come inPsalm 70 Make haste, O GodPsalm 71 In thee, O Lord, have I put my trustPsalm 72 Give the King thy judgementsPsalm 73 Truly God is good to IsraelPsalm 74 O God, why hast thou cast us off for everPsalm 75 Unto thee, O God, do we give thanksPsalm 76 In Judah is God knownPsalm 77 I will cry unto God with my voicePsalm 78 Give ear, O my people, to my lawPsalm 79 O God, the heathen are comePsalm 80 Give ear, O Shepherd of IsraelPsalm 81 Sing aloud unto God our strengthPsalm 82 God standeth in the congregation of the mightyPsalm 83 Keep not thou silence, O GodPsalm 84 O how amiable are thy tabernaclesPsalm 85 Lord, thou hast been favourable unto thy landPsalm 86 Bow down thine earPsalm 87 His foundation is in the holy mountainsPsalm 88 O Lord God of my salvationPsalm 89 God of my salvation, I have cried day and nightPsalm 90 Lord, thou hast been our dwelling placePsalm 91 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most HighPsalm 92 It is a good thing to give thanksPsalm 93 The Lord reigneth, he is clothed with majestyPsalm 94 O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongethPsalm 95 O come, let us sing unto the LordPsalm 96 O sing unto the Lord a new songPsalm 97 The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoicePsalm 98 O sing unto the Lord a new songPsalm 99 The Lord reigneth; let the people tremblePsalm 100 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye landsPsalm 101 I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto theePsalm 102 Hear my prayer, O LordPsalm 103 Bless the LordPsalm 104 Bless the Lord, O my soulPsalm 105 O give thanks unto Lord and call upon his NamePsalm 106 Praise ye the Lord. O give thanksPsalm 107 O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is goodPsalm 108 O God, my heart is fixedPsalm 109 Hold not thy peacePsalm 110 Sit thou on my right handPsalm 111 I will praise the Lord with my whole heartPsalm 112 Blessed is the man that feareth the LordPsalm 113 Praise, O ye servants of the LordPsalm 114 When Israel went out of EgyptPsalm 115 Not unto us, O LordPsalm 116 I love the Lord, because he heard my voicePsalm 117 O praise the Lord, all ye nationsPsalm 118 O give thanks unto the LordPsalm 119 Blessed are those that are undefiledPsalm 120 In my distress I cried unto the LordPsalm 121 I will lift up mine eyesPsalm 122 I was glad when they said unto mePsalm 123 Unto thee lift I up mine eyesPsalm 124 If the Lord himself had not been on our sidePsalm 125 They that trust in the LordPsalm 126 When the Lord turned again the captivityPsalm 127 Except the Lord build the housePsalm 128 Blessed is every one that feareth the LordPsalm 129 Many a time have they afflicted mePsalm 130 Out of the depths have I cried unto theePsalm 131 Lord, my heart is not haughtyPsalm 132 Lord, remember David, and all his afflictionsPsalm 133 Behold, how good and how pleasant it isPsalm 134 Behold now, praise the Lord all ye servantsPsalm 135 Praise ye the name of the LordPsalm 136 O give thanks to the Lord for he is graciousPsalm 137 By the waters of BabylonPsalm 138 I will praise thee with my whole heartPsalm 139 O Lord, thou hast searched mePsalm 140 Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil manPsalm 141 Lord, I cry unto theePsalm 142 I cried unto the Lord with my voicePsalm 143 Hear my prayer, O Lord, consider my desirePsalm 144 Blessed be the Lord my strengthPsalm 145 I will extol thee, my God, O kingPsalm 146 Praise the Lord, O my soulPsalm 147 O praise the Lord, sing praisesPsalm 148 Praise ye the Lord from the heavensPsalm 149 O sing unto the Lord a new songPsalm 150 Praise God in his sanctuary

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