Tuesday, May 05, 2009


This article titled 'Study more to decrease chances of dementia' does make sense since what you loose is short-term memory, and what you retain is what you've learnt while your still young. Here's an excerpt of the article.

For the whole article, go to this website...

To learn about Dementia, go this website...

Study more to decrease chances of dementia

Dementia is an illness which affects the brain, causing the brain cells to die faster rate than normal. It affects mainly elderly people. In Singapore, about 5.2 percent of people over the age of 65 suffer from dementia.
There are two main types of dementia:-
1 ~ Alzheimer's disease
2 ~ Multi-infarct dementia.
In Alzheimer's disease, the onset of symptoms and the progression of the illness is gradual. Although the cause is still unknown, present research suggests that there is a familial tendency and certain chemicals in the brain are lacking.
Multi-infarct dementia results from a series of strokes in the brain.
Signs of dementia could include problems remembering recent events, disorientation of place and time and decreased judgement. As yet, there is no known medical cure for the disease.
For more information and support on dementia, go to http://www.alzheimers.org.sg/

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