Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hana (Flower) ~ Japanese Song


The rain, the sun & the flowers.

'Hana' means 'Flower' in Japanese. The Japanese song, 'Hana' is a very meaningful song about life. In this song, the words “Cry & Laugh” represents “Rain & Sunshine”. For only when there’s “Rain & Sunshine” will flowers bloom.

Here are the lyrics to the chorus of this song:
Nakinasai, warainasai,
Itsu no hi ka, itsu no hi ka,
hana wo sakaso yo
~ taken from the Japanese song 'Hana'
Cry & laugh when you need to,
one day --- yes one day,
flowers will come to full bloom
~ a rough English translation.
Song Sample ~ ▼
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Full Lyrics ~ ▼
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