Friday, September 12, 2014

The Reason We Need To Think Of Our Own Safety & Security

We cannot really blame some of these attackers because they are (after all) sufferers of something beyond their control. However, we can really try to be safe by taking the appropriate precautions.

• 1st of all, know that you can't prevent these things from happening, 
but you sure as hell can try minimize it.

• If possible, do not stay out so late into the night. 

• If you must, make sure you have some form of security... like;

• a chaperon (a person who accompanies and looks after another person),

• stay in an area where there're lots of people,

• carry "natural weapons" like keys, sprays, knuckles, anything you can think of,

• constantly thing of ways to protect yourself,
Man who dressed as a female jailed for 
strangling woman along HDB corridor
Published on Sep 11, 2014, by Elena Chong

SINGAPORE - An IT support officer disguised himself as a woman when he strangled a 27-year-old woman with a rope outside her unit in the wee hours of the morning.

Lu Choon Sien, 33, was jailed for eight months on Thursday for causing hurt to the victim along the corridor of an HDB block on Nov 7 last year. He also admitted to having 142 obscene films in his laptop.

The victim, who cannot be named because of a gag order, had returned home at about 3am that day when she noticed Lu, who was dressed in a grey coloured jacket and wearing a wig and holding a handbag. Despite Lu's presence, the victim continued to open her unit. Lu then approached her and took out a black rope from the handbag and used it to strangle the victim's neck. The victim struggled and screamed for her husband. Lu fled.

The husband rushed to the main door and found the victim lying on the corridor. He found a mobile phone which Lu had dropped. He then called the police. Lu, who made the call saying he had lost his phone, was arrested when he turned up to get his phone back from the husband at the void deck.

Lu, the court heard, suffers from fetishistic transvestism, sadomasochism and schizoid personality disorder. He is seeking treatment for his psychiatric condition, said his lawyer.

He could have been jailed for up to seven years, fined, caned or received any combined sentence for the offence.

click on image to enlarge:

The Straits Times
