Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Secret Of Your Success

You will never change your life until 
you change something you do daily. 
The secret of your success 
is found in your daily routine.
~ John C. Maxwell


The Catholic Writer ~ Oxygen (Singapore Flavor)

The Catholic Writer ~ Oxygen (Singapore Flavor)
Totally free. 
Quite good and seem like a responsible Catholic Website. 
Written by Catholic Singaporeans so you get the local Singaporean flavor.


Chrome Web Store ~ Aviary Audio Editor

Interesting. I've got to try this.

Chrome Web Store ~ Aviary Audio Editor
To use after downloading ~

Searched for...
google chrome audio editor

Chrome Web Store - Aviary Audio Editor - Google
Aviary's Audio Editor is a powerful audio editing tool used to remix your favorite songs or record your own. From trimming and looping your audio to reversing it ...
