Saturday, June 18, 2011

Joke ~ Heaven's 3 Wonders

John Newton, writer of the hymn, "Amazing Grace" once 
said, "When I get to heaven, there will be three wonders:
1. Who is there
2. Who is not there, and
3. The fact that I... am there...!"

Entrance Antiphon: Sunday After Pentecost (Cycle ABC)

Sunday After Pentecost
The Most Holy Trinity

Entrance Antiphon:
Blessed be God the Father and his only-begotten son and the Holy Spirit: for he has shown that he loves us.

Special Father’s Day Prayer for those without their fathers

Dear Heavenly Father. Tomorrow, Sunday, 2011 Jun 19 will be Father's Day. Happy Father's day to You. We'd like to make a special pray for those who are without their fathers or grandfathers on Father's Day for one reason or another. May you send them dedicated, trustworthy and strong male role models into their lives so that they will be able to experience a father's love... for you know... how important a father's love is, which is a different kind of love (neither superior nor inferior) when compared to a mother's love. Fathers tend to play with, and mothers tend to care for their child. Fathers push limits; mothers encourage security. Mothers facilitate easy, simple communication, while fathers challenge the child to think. Fathers provide a look at the world of men; mothers, the world of women. Mothers and fathers discipline differently. Fathers stress justice, fairness and duty (based on rules), while mothers stress sympathy, care and help (based on relationships). Fathers and mothers prepare children for life differently. Fathers help children prepare for the reality and harshness of the real world, and mothers help protect against it. Both are necessary as children grow into adulthood. We do realize that not every child is the same and sometimes there are no suitable male role models around for this particular child. We pray that You give this child the special privilege of realizing You as their Father, who is above all fathers. They only need to turn to you... please help them realize that you love them. Amen.