Friday, February 06, 2015

Joke ~ Female Cat

The GIF below was created using...


Q. What do you call a Female Cat?

A. You call a Female Cat a 'Queen'... but 
it has been called a few other names when 
found stealing food from the dining table.

And here's a Queen Cat on her Green Scooter.



Poem & Prayer ~ Light A Candle

Light A Candle


Light a candle
say a prayer,
"Hello Father,
are you there?"

We praise 
your name,
and welcome 
your kingdom,
even while we're 
here on this earth,
we do your will, 
we really tried to do them.

You know our needs
and all your pain.
When we forgive others,
You'll do the same
for each and every one of us.

This cup is hard to drink from.
Please take this cup from us,
But only if you have willed it.
For only you can quench our thirst. 

