Thursday, September 15, 2011

Prayer For The Family

Dear Heavenly Father. Bless our families. May the Sacrament of Marriage bring husbands and wives closer together, that they may always be faithful, and love each other as Christ loves us. Help all mothers and fathers, love and cherish, the children God has entrusted to them. May they always be models of truly Christian love. Help all children, that they may love and respect their parents. Inspire all people, to value Christian marriage and family life. Give us a sense of responsibility, that we do our part, in making our homes havens of love and peace. Mary, our mother of perpetual help, our ideal model in true christian love, help every family grow daily, in genuine love for God and neighbor, so that justice and peace, may flourish everywhere in the human family. Amen.


Prayer for Protection Against Sin

Dear Heavenly Father. You are full of compassion and love for us and rich in mercy. We give you thanks for our very existence. Help us to never forget to count our blessings. Help us to fight the temptation of sin as we pray to Saint Michael the Archangel to defend us in battle and be our protection. Amen.
