Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Chain Email Hoax ~ An Emailed Explanation

I received a Chained Email today.
Not doing bad isn't enough; we've got to do some good. ~ PGA

Here’s my reply to sender & sendee to hopefully stop them from forwarding it even further.


First of all, my apology for this mass email of which I feel is important.

Wow! This Chain email has been around since 2005. I did a search on the internet for this. This Chain Email is a hoax.

I hope I’ll be able to catch most (if not all) of you before more damage is done. The person (or persons) who started this email works on our human weakness of “Fear” & “Greed”. I am quite sure that I too may have fallen for them in the past. Let’s learn from this and move on.

The text (from the following 2 emails) from this website…
…best explains this. The text (from the following 2 emails) can also be found in the attachment below.

Have a good day.

P.S. → no offence intended & no offence taken. Please try not to reply unless it is really necessary.

▼Click on attachment to enlarge email for reading…
